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Executive Coaching, Management Coaching, Private Coaching, Management Training and Consulting
Coaching in entspannter Atmosphäre

coaching | unleash your potential

Become the best version of yourself!

Dr. Albrecht Ebertzeder

Certified Coach & Executive Trainer


My extensive experience in coaching, training and consulting as well as my regular training in these areas give me the confidence that my holistic performance improvement approach will improve the satisfaction , quality of life and performance in all areas of my clients' lives and help them achieve their goals effectively.

Portrait Dr. Albrecht Ebertzeder

Dr. Albrecht Ebertzeder
Senior Manager at IRC GmbH

As a senior manager at IRC GmbH, I bring my extensive experience and in-depth knowledge in the areas of coaching, training and consulting and, in addition to coaching and training, I also provide consulting services relating to executive search, talent management, outplacement and new placement.

My personal website serves as a platform where I can continue to share my expertise and insights into the world of coaching, training and consulting. This provides added value for readers interested in professional articles and blogs, while also promoting professional development and learning within the industry.

While my website serves as a resource for specialist information and inspiration, services in the areas of coaching, training or consulting are provided exclusively through IRC GmbH.

IRC GmbH, with its extensive expertise and specialized websites forcoaching ,outplacement , executive search and other personnel placement services , offers a central contact point that ensures that all client needs are met effectively and efficiently.

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Special articles on topics from my professional training and continuing education, sorted by subject areas

Depth Psychology

Depth Psychology

(Analytic Therapy by Jung, Psychodrama nach Moreno, Transaktional Analysis by Berne)

Cognitive Behavioral Orientation

Cognitive Behavioral Orientation

(Multimodal Behavior Therapy to Lazarus, Schema Therapy to Young, CBASP to McCullough Jr.)

Humanstisch Existentialist Approaches

Humanstisch Existentialist Approaches

(Client-Centered Psychotherapy by Rogers, Gestalt Therapy by Perls, NLP by Bandler/Grinder)

Systemic Approaches

Systemic Approaches

Communication Therapy by Watzlawick, Systemic Family Therapy by Satir)

Body-Oriented Therapies

Body-Oriented Therapies

(Progressive Muscle Relaxation by Jacobsen, Respiratory Therapy by Middendorf)

Personality Models

Personality Models

(Personality Adaptations by Vann Joines and Ian Stewart, MBTI by Myers-Briggs, Big Five by Lewis Goldberg)

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Services and offers that can be requested via IRC GmbH

Coaching, training and consulting are three elements that are interwoven.

That is why I also offer services in these three disciplines

Coaching Offers


As a coach, I accompany you in your coaching sessions with questions about your goals, with questions about your current situation. With my support, you develop ideas for solutions and process models, decide on the most plausible path for you and implement an action plan step by step that you agree with me. Together, we review the development you are taking and reflect constructively and critically on which changes in your personal situation need to be incorporated into your development path.

Training Offers


As a trainer, I accompany you in groups in which you can review your resources and build, expand or deepen your know-how depending on the topic. You will learn new options for action and behaviors that will help you to master the situation better than before.

Consulting Offers


As a consultant , I support you in finding clarity in your context and making decisions by preparing topics for you, developing different perspectives, comparing the pros and cons of each perspective and offering decision-making recommendations. I am available as a moderator to manage group processes in meetings or projects. In the event of conflicts, I am at your side as a mediator and accompany you through the conflict resolution process.

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